Based on an original game by Jim Summers on the Commodore PET, Mr. NOP is proud to present to you SLIME for the Commodore 64.
Featuring 1 or 2 players, high score saver, joystick or keyboard controls, in-game music by Richard Bayliss and some pretty neat sound effects.
Battle the growing slime before it takes over the screen, shoot the membranes and eradicate the slime. As the slime grows, cells begin to grow inside the membranes which then chase after you. Complete the level to advance to more complex stages with even more slime growth.
Download link: ...
Note: While testing, I found the game worked 100% under CCS but under Vice it wouldn't load the high scores. If I skipped the documentation page, the scores worked fine. Not sure if this is a Vice issue or not.
Load the game and type
POKE 14096,80
to bypass documentation.[/quote]
Slime for Commodore 64
Slime for Commodore 64
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- Slime
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